The Raj Allergy Relief Program, based on the science of Maharishi Ayurveda, provides the most comprehensive and natural approach to allergy relief available today, both in terms of identifying causes and providing treatment.
Allergy symptoms are the result of an inappropriate activation of the body’s natural defense mechanisms. Your body is designed to react against foreign agents, such as viruses and bacteria. Inflammation and excess fluid secretion create an easy entry for immune cells, dilute the concentration of outside invaders and wash away toxins. If the immune system has become hypersensitive, however, it can overreact to allergens with results that are often worse than the simple effects the allergen might have had.
Poor eating habits, weak digestion and elimination, and stress can allow impurities to build up in the tissues and cells, disrupting the delicate biochemistry of the body. The result can be a decrease in the body’s natural balancing and self-repair ability. The Raj Ayurvedic Allergy Program helps to eliminate toxins, stabilize the nervous system, and balance and normalize your body’s natural healing mechanisms.