The Raj Ulcer Program, based on the science of Maharishi Ayurveda, provides the most comprehensive and natural approach to ulcers available today, both in terms of identifying causes and in providing treatment.
Most chronic disorders start when toxins accumulate in tissues, disrupting the delicate biochemistry of the area. The buildup of acid and aggravating chemicals in the gut is a classic example of this.
An accumulation of impurities in the stomach can also create an internal environment conducive to the overgrowth of the bacteria H. pylori, which is said to play a central role in ulcer development. Many people, however, have H. pylori without developing an ulcer. From an Ayurvedic perspective, the main cause of ulcers is a weakness in the stomach area, rather than the invading organism.
A build-up of toxins can also obstruct the channels of circulation and elimination, preventing proper nutrition from reaching the tissues, and blocking the processes that cleanse the tissues of impurities.
Because a range of imbalances can trigger ulcers, the multifaceted approach of Ayurveda can be helpful in eliminating the underlying causes of ulcers, while enlivening the body’s natural healing mechanisms.