The Raj Program for Stress and Anxiety, based on the science of Maharishi Ayurveda, provides a comprehensive and natural approach to stress reduction. Stress can affect all aspects of life, including our emotions, behavior, thinking ability, and physical health. Stress is known to be a contributing factor in a countless variety of chronic disorders, yet its influence can be easily overlooked.
From an Ayurvedic perspective, both the mind and body must be in balance to experience optimal health. Anything that upsets that balance creates a disruption our normal functioning. Along with powerful Ayurvedic rejuvenation and detoxification therapies to remove the damaging effects of stress, The Raj offers yoga and breathing exercises, as well as optional mediation classes, as effective stress reduction tools.
The multi-modality Ayurvedic approach to stress reduction can help you regain creativity, dynamism, clarity and efficiency, along with emotional stability and increased effectiveness in daily life.