Modern medicine classifies headaches as either a primary disorder, as in migraine, cluster and tension headaches, or a secondary disorder where the headache is caused by other diseases. The Raj Ayurveda Headache Treatment program addresses the primary disorders of migraine, cluster and tension headaches.
There is a general agreement as to what physiological changes in the brain create headache pain. In every case there must be some stimulation of the pain sensitive structures in the head. Stimulation of these pain centers is usually created by a dilation or constriction of blood vessel walls that aggravate nerve endings in the pain sensitive areas. It is less clear to modern medicine as to why certain stimuli like estrogen fluctuation, barometric pressure change, insomnia and hunger trigger migraines and other primary headaches.
The Raj Ayurveda experts can often provide sufferers with a new perspective on what is causing their headaches through its unique and subtle technique of pulse. During your initial evaluation at The Raj, you will find out which of the underlying functioning modes of the physiology (called doshas) have become imbalanced. Ayurveda describes how it is these imbalances in the inner intelligence of the body that prevent the natural self-repair processes from removing the physical sources of migraine and headache.
Our Ayurveda experts will also assess the contribution that mental stress and buildup of toxins may be having on your headaches. The goal of this Ayurveda evaluation is to determine the root causes of vascular fluctuations in the brain and the resulting experience of headache pain.
After the evaluation of balance and imbalance our Ayurveda experts will create a customized program of natural therapeutic approaches to stabilize the nervous system, reduce stress and help cleanse the body of toxins.
This natural approach differs markedly from modern medical treatment that is primarily drug based. Modern medicine uses different sets of drugs to:
- Help prevent headaches from occurring
- Stop them once they have occurred
- Reduce the pain of ongoing headache.
The problems with these drug-based approaches is that they are not all completely effective at removing headache pain; many can have some side-effects and few if any permanently remove the primary physiological imbalances that predispose individuals to headaches in the first place.
As mentioned previously, vascular changes in the brain at the basis of headache pain are often created by nervous system instability. Excessive vascular wall dilation and constriction occurs due to an inappropriate response from the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. Ultimately it is the imbalanced performance of these divisions of the nervous system that creates the experience of headache pain.
The Raj Ayurveda Headache and Migraine Program uses a multi-modality approach to help restore balance to nervous system activity. Your 2 hours of daily Ayurvedic treatments form the cornerstone of your in-residence program.