The Raj Menopause Program, based on the science of Maharishi Ayurveda, provides the most comprehensive and natural approach to menopause available today, both in terms of identifying causes of negative symptoms and in providing treatment.
Menopause is a natural life transition that need not have negative side effects. According to Ayurveda, the menstrual cycle not only helps maintain the reproductive system but also acts as an important internal cleansing process for the entire physiology. When menstruation stops, the body loses a valuable cleansing mechanism. It is not the loss of the menstrual period and change in levels of estrogen that cause unwanted symptoms. Rather, it is the result of imbalances that build up in the body. Once menstruation ends, impurities can accumulate in greater quantity, creating many of the negative symptoms of menopause.
A cleansing of the body’s tissues can help relieve immediate symptoms of menopause. The key to preventing a future build-up of impurities is to create a healthier metabolic system—one that can easily and efficiently eliminate harmful toxins. The Raj menopause program helps to remove deep-seated impurities, improve digestion and metabolism, and restore a natural, healthy balance.