Seasonal Tips and Updates

Stay inspired with useful tips that can help you maintain a healthy Ayurvedic lifestyle all year round. The goal of The Raj Blog is to make the knowledge of Ayurveda simple and easy for you to understand and to integrate into your daily life. While Ayurveda is indeed an ancient science, its wisdom is timeless and it is a valuable resource for creating balance in our modern lives.

healthy eating for digestive power

Increased Digestive Power Equals Increased Health

While a great deal of thought is often put into choosing healthy foods, less thought is given to our ability to actually digest the food we eat. Ayurveda considers good digestion to be central to good health. The only way to take advantage of the health-promoting benefits of the food we eat is make sure…

cleaner fat cells

Cleaning Fat Cells of Harmful Toxins

You can eat right, exercise regularly, take vitamins and herbal supplements, even meditate to get rid of stress—but in our modern industrial age, this it is still not enough to stay healthy. More and more research suggests that reducing environmental toxins is necessary to stay healthy. Hazardous industrial chemicals absorbed by the body have been…

diet for brain health

A Healthy Diet for Your Brain

Continuing our celebration of fruits and vegetables, it turns out that there is a direct correlation between a healthy diet and a healthy brain. Days before a first-ever G-8 summit on dementia in London, leading English physicians wrote an open letter to the Health Secretary saying that the benefits of diet far outweighed “dubious drugs”…


Sugar or Your Health?

The New Year is approaching and it’s time for that commitment to better life choices: the New Year’s Resolution.  I like the “fresh start” approach to a new year. A while ago I discovered a great recipe for success. I start the year with a week of Ayurveda detoxification treatments, known as Panchakarma, and pick one…