Mark Toomey
Over the last 30 years, Mark Toomey has worked with the world’s top experts in Maharishi Ayurveda in India, Australia, the United States. In 2005 Mark became the Director of Maharishi Ayurveda at The Raj where he is available for consultations, works with visiting Ayurvedic experts from India, and oversees The Raj’s Panchakarma programs.
Mark has a BA from University of New England, Diploma of Ayurveda Consulting from Maharishi Vedic College, BA, MS in Maharishi Ayurveda and PhD in Physiology from Maharishi University of Management where he studied and did clinical training in Maharishi Ayurveda and NIH funded research at the Center for Natural Medicine and Prevention
Mark’s experience and expertise in Ayurvedic Pulse Assessement is foundational for developing an effective prevention or treatment program. In this, Ayurveda presages the trend toward “personalized medicine” now emerging within conventional medicine. The principle is that the diet, herbal supplements, lifestyle or treatment plan that is beneficial for one individual may different from those that will be beneficial for another individual—depending upon a person’s specific mind/body balance or state of imbalance.