Healthy, flexible joints rely on strong digestion and metabolism. Poor eating habits and weak digestion allow impurities to accumulate, circulate, and build up in the joints. This inhibits joint function, mobility, and comfort.
Deep cleansing of the joints and tissues will help relieve immediate symptoms of arthritis. The key to preventing a build-up of impurities in the future up is to create a healthier metabolic system — one that can easily and efficiently eliminate harmful toxins from the body. The raw material for building healthy joints and bones is nutrient plasma. Plasma flows throughout the body — like the sap in a tree — delivering vital nutrients to cells. The body uses these nutrients to build tissues, including joint tissue.
Your program at The Raj is designed to improve digestion and metabolism, allowing for the formation of nutrient plasma that is more pure and easy to assimilate. This helps to create proper lubrication of joint tissue, helping impurities flow out of the joint cells for elimination, and allowing nutrients to flow in.