Seasonal Tips and Updates

Stay inspired with useful tips that can help you maintain a healthy Ayurvedic lifestyle all year round. The goal of The Raj Blog is to make the knowledge of Ayurveda simple and easy for you to understand and to integrate into your daily life. While Ayurveda is indeed an ancient science, its wisdom is timeless and it is a valuable resource for creating balance in our modern lives.

cleaner fat cells

Cleaning Fat Cells of Harmful Toxins

You can eat right, exercise regularly, take vitamins and herbal supplements, even meditate to get rid of stress—but in our modern industrial age, this it is still not enough to stay healthy. More and more research suggests that reducing environmental toxins is necessary to stay healthy. Hazardous industrial chemicals absorbed by the body have been…


DDT and Alzheimer’s — Ayurveda Can Help!

A recent study published in JAMA Neurology found that patients with Alzheimer’s had four times as much blood levels of DDT as healthy people. While the findings are not conclusive, researchers believe the chemical increases the chance of Alzheimer’s and may be involved in the development of amyloid plaques in the brain, which contribute to the…


Ayurveda’s Approach to Aging to Maintain Youth

What is the aging process? In some cases, it is the inevitable result of wear and tear on our system. But in many cases, what we consider normal effects of age are really the results of years of accumulated toxins and impurities taking their toll on our bodies. Stiffness, chronic disorders, memory loss, insomnia, decrease…


Winter Skin Care: Ayurveda Tips for a Glowing Complexion

If you are familiar with Ayurveda, you are familiar with the concept that everything in life — including our bodies, the food that we eat, and the environment around us — is composed of the three “doshas”; Vata, Pitta and Kapha.  These qualities, or principles of nature, each have their own fundamental traits and we’re…