Seasonal Tips and Updates

Stay inspired with useful tips that can help you maintain a healthy Ayurvedic lifestyle all year round. The goal of The Raj Blog is to make the knowledge of Ayurveda simple and easy for you to understand and to integrate into your daily life. While Ayurveda is indeed an ancient science, its wisdom is timeless and it is a valuable resource for creating balance in our modern lives.

Ayurveda Tips for Holiday Eating

In the United States, the Thanksgiving holiday (the last Thursday of November) marks the beginning of six weeks holiday festivities, family feasts and seasonal treats. The ancient Indian health science of Ayurveda offers helpful tips on how to navigate the holiday season without gaining weight or over-eating. Winter cravings The increasingly colder days of fall bring…


Bitter Tastes Can Help with Asthma

Bitter is one of the six tastes identified in Ayurveda. It is associated with the decrease of Kapha dosha in the body. According to Ayurveda, the lungs are one of the main seats of Kapha dosha. Research on Bitter Taste Receptors In 2010, researchers at the University of Maryland School of medicine found that bitter…