Seasonal Tips and Updates

Stay inspired with useful tips that can help you maintain a healthy Ayurvedic lifestyle all year round. The goal of The Raj Blog is to make the knowledge of Ayurveda simple and easy for you to understand and to integrate into your daily life. While Ayurveda is indeed an ancient science, its wisdom is timeless and it is a valuable resource for creating balance in our modern lives.

Sugar or Your Health?

The New Year is approaching and it’s time for that commitment to better life choices: the New Year’s Resolution.  I like the “fresh start” approach to a new year. A while ago I discovered a great recipe for success. I start the year with a week of Ayurveda detoxification treatments, known as Panchakarma, and pick one…


Hot Water: The Simplest Ayurveda Tip

Here’s an easy New Year’s resolution: Drink hot water throughout the day. Ayurveda considers the removal of toxins and impurities from the body — and the prevention of their build-up in the first place — to be a key element in staying healthy. Sipping hot water can reduce impurities; Ayurveda refers to impurities as “ama”….


Winter Skin Care: Ayurveda Tips for a Glowing Complexion

If you are familiar with Ayurveda, you are familiar with the concept that everything in life — including our bodies, the food that we eat, and the environment around us — is composed of the three “doshas”; Vata, Pitta and Kapha.  These qualities, or principles of nature, each have their own fundamental traits and we’re…